YA-A123 Surgical Arm Table
YA-A123 Surgical Arm Table

Brand: Medik

Model: YA-A123

Certificate: CE/ ISO

Overall Size:  60cm x 40cm 

After-sale Service: Online technical support

Warranty:  1-Year 

The YA-A123 surgical arm and hand table is designed to position and support the hand, wrist, forearm, and arm during surgical procedures, including arthroscopic and open orthopedic surgery. The carbon fiber design provides a low dose, attenuation rate with enhanced imaging clarity. The lightweight construction at approximately 5 lbs brings ergonomic handling during attachment and storage.               

Main features

● Radiolucent, carbon fiber construction

● A unique, no-leg design allowing unobstructed access for C-Arm or X-Ray procedures.

● Compatible with surgical tables equipped with standard side rails

● Perfect choice for carpal tunnel procedures

● Size:  60cm x 40cm
